sábado, 28 de junio de 2008

I saw you between the sky and the snow

2 #

“I still can see the immensity in your eyes”

That beautiful girl once wrote
She wanted all and all she had
And the heavens made with her a pact

She now moves between white and blue

And I miss her here, in this place
With the nights and the streets with weird names
We used to walk together on Saturday’s nights
I walked with her some days before the dawn

She now moves between white and blue

She talks to the cold morning wind
And wanders through streets I can’t see
Under a sky of hope
And a road of (snowy) faith

She moves between white and blue

The 2nd song is 4 U

Just (in) ideas...

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008

Blue, grey and a voice

Yesterday I saw that man under the rain
Wearing that blue coat he likes to use, once n’ again
Talking to the falling raindrops that passed like a train
I saw that man again, he hasn’t changed

He was taking pictures of the raindrops falling
When, suddenly, he heard that voice calling
That came from above the grey morning,
He was surprised, he didn’t saw it coming.

“Now just wait n’ don’t go away,
Listen very careful what I have to say,
I don’t want you to leave, just stay
And you’ll see what I have 4 U this day”

Today I saw that man under the grey sky with no rain
With that blue coat he likes to use, once n’ again
Talking to the falling raindrops that passed like a train
I saw that man today, and he has changed.