martes, 15 de mayo de 2007

Me of the Rebellion (Aca si me amaneci)

A Euphie *
Triste, y mucho

quizá por una vanalidad,
pero triste a fin de cuentas...
el corazón siente... aunque no sea en las dimensiones reales.

Pareciera que el amor no vale nada,
que ha sido degragado a la emoción del momento...
y al pretexto de una no soledad.

El sueño de muchos parece condenado,
el predominante deseo de pocos
es quien maneja este planeta.

(Aun asi no dejes de soñar)

Es un buen desfogue para la pena,
mas no lo mejor que se puede usar.
"To much innocent casualties"

Y vive,
permitete volver a llorar
y sigue viviendo.

(Y permitete unir quien eres en tu mente con quien eres)

pero antes que nada...
aprende a perdonarte
y amate... o sino no sabrás amar.

(No ganas nada odiándote, solo un fuerte dolor de cabeza)

se una fuerza de ella...

* Hasta yo me sorprendo de donde saco mis inspiraciones... Code Geass Cap 23

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2007


Jars of Clay

Be still
let your hand melt into mine
the part of me that breathes when you breathe is losing time
I can't find the words to say
I'll never say goodbye

And i'll fly with you through the night
so you know i'm not letting go
I'm not letting go
my tears like rain fill up the sky.
Oh, my love, i'm not letting go
I won't let you go.

I saw the host of silent angels waiting on their own
knowing that all the promises of faith
come alive when you see home.
Hold still and let your hand melt into mine

Shed your heart and your breath and your pain and fly

Now you're alive
Now you're alive
Now you're alive
Now you're alive

I won't let you go
I'm not letting go
I won't let you go
I'm not letting go
I won't let you go

11 years

Today it’s a happy day for most people, but not for me

Right now, I don’t have words, don’t have joy

Today, it’s me 11 years ago, without feelings.

With an open wound in my soul,

With those memories still here,

I found some things of you the other day,

Then, I found myself crying… and upset with you

Why didn’t you ever show me those pictures?

I was upset, I’m upset,

Because now I’m not going to know…

I really miss you, really

No matter how much time passes

I’m always going to miss you.

Because when you parted from this world

I found myself alone as I never was

I miss you and I love you… and I know that now you’re really alive.

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martes, 8 de mayo de 2007

Rainy Night

Alone in the streets again
with raindrops falling from the mist
Happily, I go walking

With music in my mind
and a song in my mouth
I'm free again, joyfully

The winter has come again, and I'm enjoying it.
'cause I'm a force of the nature again
and nobody can't took that away from me

And now, I'm just touching the sky with my fingers
waiting for the dawn, near to come